
  • Employment Services

    Job search resources, including paid work experiences, exclusive training programs, and warm job leads. Sign up and you will be paired with a job coach you can call, text, or email for help at any stage in your job search.

    Job Search Websites


    San Diego Nonprofit Job Vacancies

    San Diego County Vacancies

    San Diego City Vacancies

    Zip Recruiter

    Career Centers

    San Diego Career Centers

  • San Diego Urban League

    We assist formerly incarcerated women achieve success by providing psycho-social educational training, resume building and job placement services

    Eligibility requirements: None

    Program exclusionary criteria: None

    Charges for the program: None

    Contact details for more information:
    Please contact the Reentry Coordinator, Jackie Reed
    (619) 266-6263
    Email: jackie.reed@sdul.org

The NAWJ is not specifically endorsing any organization on this website. You will need to independently decide whether to use the services being offered. The NAWJ is not responsible for the accuracy of the information on this website and cannot be held liable for claims or losses.